Keeping My Family Members Safe

Keeping My Family Members Safe

Things To Know About Using Assisted Living Communities

26 September 2017
, Blog

Individuals that have developed health problems that make it difficult for them to complete daily tasks will find that living alone can be very dangerous. Unfortunately, individuals that are having these difficulties may not adequately consider the benefits of moving to an assisted living community as they may be ill-informed about the process of choosing a community and life for residents. Is It Possible To Tour Potential Assisted Living Communities?
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3 Mistakes To Avoid When Searching For An Assisted Living Community For Your Parent

26 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As senior citizens age, their adult children often eventually face a time when they realize that their parents can no longer safely live on their own. In many cases, adult children may not have the space or lifestyle to be able to have their aging parent move into their own home. One solution that most people turn to is assisted living communities. Finding the best assisted living community for a parent is a priority for many adult children.
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3 Good Reasons To Talk To A Medicaid Specialist When Finding A Nursing Home For Your Loved One

24 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The time has come when it is no longer logical for your aging relative to live at home alone and take care of themselves. Thankfully, they have Medicaid coverage so the primary costs associated with long-term care will probably be covered. With this in mind, you may immediately turn to nursing homes to start making arrangements. However, there is one other thing you should do first and that is to speak to a Medicaid specialist.
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3 Things To Look For When Choosing A Housing Option For A Loved One With Dementia

23 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a loved one who is suffering from dementia, you might be struggling to choose the right housing option. These are a few things that you may want to look for to ensure that your loved one will be in a safe situation: 1. Experienced Staff Even though the staff members who work in your average assisted living community or nursing home might have experience with working with elderly individuals, they might not have a lot of experience in working with people who have dementia.
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Memory Care: What To Do When Your Loved One’s Memory Drastically Declines

21 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If your elderly loved one no longer recognizes your face or remembers where different places are in your home, you may feel at a lost of what to do about their declining health. People who suffer from advanced Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or another memory-related condition require specialized care and treatment. If your home isn't equipped to handle your loved one's memory problems, it can potentially affect their health and life. You can make your home temporarily safe for your loved one until you seek additional help.
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About Me
Keeping My Family Members Safe

After spending years working hard, I could tell that my grandparents were starting to wind down. They were really struggling with issues like mobility, and so I started thinking about different ways to keep them safe and sound. I realized that a nursing home or assisted living center would be the natural choice, since they needed to have almost constant care and supervision. After I was able to find a great nursing home, I took my grandparents on a tour of the space, and they were head over heels in love with it. This blog is all about encouraging your family members to live in an assisted living center.
