How A Home Care Provider Can Help Bariatric Surgery Patients

How A Home Care Provider Can Help Bariatric Surgery Patients

How A Home Care Provider Can Help Bariatric Surgery Patients

19 May 2023
, Blog

Obesity can raise the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney disease. It can also lead to serious complications in people who already have these conditions. Weight loss can help improve your health and even reverse some of the effects of chronic illnesses. People who are unable to lose weight through dietary measures and exercise may opt for weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery. Obesity, coupled with chronic illness and the effects of bariatric surgery can necessitate the need for home care services. Here are some ways a home care services professional can help patients who are recovering from weight loss surgery.

Managing Digestive Problems

Digestive problems are very common in people who have undergone bariatric surgery. Because the surgery involves making the stomach smaller, eating large portions of food or foods high in fat can trigger nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Bariatric patients who cannot prepare nutritious foods may eat the wrong types of foods that may be more likely to trigger digestive problems.

The home care services provider can prepare meals in accordance with the bariatric surgeon's recommendations and make sure that the patient is following the doctor's portion control requirements. Eating in accordance with the patient's postoperative instructions will help prevent digestive problems to help ensure a successful recovery.

Mobility And Exercise Interventions

Physical activity is crucial in the bariatric patient's successful recovery. In addition to portion control, the patient needs to exercise on a daily basis to boost their metabolism to further enhance their weight loss efforts. Obesity and weakness from the surgery may prevent the individual from increasing their physical activity. The home care provider can encourage the person to be more active and assist them with their exercises.

Many bariatric patients are fearful that they may fall when walking or doing their exercises. The home care provider can walk with the patient and even stand close to them with a wheelchair in case they feel unsteady, shaky, or need to take a rest break. Bariatric patients may enjoy a more favorable weight loss outcome when they incorporate daily aerobic exercise with their portion control regimen.

If you or a loved one is anticipating bariatric surgery, consider the benefits that a home care provider can offer. Getting the physical and emotional postoperative care you need helps ensure a speedier recovery free from setbacks such as digestive problems, sluggish weight loss, and mobility problems.

About Me
Keeping My Family Members Safe

After spending years working hard, I could tell that my grandparents were starting to wind down. They were really struggling with issues like mobility, and so I started thinking about different ways to keep them safe and sound. I realized that a nursing home or assisted living center would be the natural choice, since they needed to have almost constant care and supervision. After I was able to find a great nursing home, I took my grandparents on a tour of the space, and they were head over heels in love with it. This blog is all about encouraging your family members to live in an assisted living center.
